Get to Know Your Board - Mark


The Merc Co+op's Board of Directors is comprised of nine co-op owners who are elected by the general ownership and serve a three-year term. Any co-op owner can run for a board position. Participating in co-op elections is your ownership in action – get to know the owners who represent you!


Why did you choose to join the board?

  • I became a board member because The Merc has been a large part of our health and lifestyle and it is a great way to have an impact on issues I feel very strongly about.

What part of the co-op's mission do you connect with the most, and why?

  • It is hard to single out any one part of The Merc’s mission as I believe strongly in the statement made by all or our present Ends. However, I do believe food quality, food justice and support of local agriculture are 3 pillars of what the Merc is all about. Those are the reasons the coop was created and the reason the new store is being built.

What's something you've gained from participating on this board?

  • After being a member of 3 electric coops and 3 phone coops, I have learned the importance of cooperatives to address needs of communities. Being on the board has deepen my knowledge and appreciation for the coop model.

What's one thing you hope the co-op achieves/works towards during your term as a director?

  • It is important to me to see the board successfully transition through the opening of the new store. There are many challenges ahead in making sure we successfully represent the needs of two different communities.

Why should owners consider becoming a director?

  • Being a board member is a great way to feel involved with an import organization and to meet amazing people in the coop movement.

What is your favorite food or product the co-op carries?

  • I am not sure what I would do with out the bread yeast I get at the Merc. It is reliable and a year’s supply costs me just $5. I think we also have the best produce around!

The co-op Board of Directors is hosting A first Virtual Listening Session

We want to hear from you! This month’s theme: Why did you become a co-op owner?

Join in on the conversation by emailing the board for the meeting link. All participating owners will receive a store coupon and entered for a chance to win raffle prizes!