Get to Know Your Board - Meet Deon


The Merc Co+op's Board of Directors is comprised of nine co-op owners who are elected by the general ownership and serve a three-year term. They meet the first Monday of each month. Any co-op owner can run for a board position. Participating in co-op elections is your ownership in action – get to know the owners who represent you!


Hello All, my name is Deon Whitten and I am currently on the BOD of The Merc Co+op. I am a native and resident of Kansas City, KS. Currently I work at F.L. Schlagle High School through the non-profit organization Jobs for America’s Graduates-Kansas, where I also coach basketball and track. In addition to my duties at Schlagle I coach at Eisenhower middle school and this past summer I was director of the Kids on Campus Program at KCKCC. I have a wife, a son, and a dog and I love my community.

Why did you choose to run for the co-op board?

  • When I found out that the Merc was opening a store in KCK and were seeking board members, I immediately jumped at the opportunity. My mother is a vegan and family and I are always looking for healthy food options. Unfortunately, in KCK there are several food deserts and doing so can be challenging. I wanted to be a part of the decision making and transition into the area. As an undergraduate I attended KU and frequently shopped at the Merc. I love the Lawrence store and I extremely when I heard they were coming to KCK. I just wanted to be a part of that.

What part of the co-op's mission do you connect with the most, and why?

  • “…real food and sustainable products at reasonable prices.” It is important that people in general have good food at  affordable prices. Socio-economics should not dictate one’s ability to eat healthy.

What's something you've gained from participating on this board?

  • Sustainability, market trends and the business aspect of running a full-scale store. There is a lot of intricate planning that goes into maintaining the continuity and growth of the current store and the opening of the new. All board time is spent efficiently and everything is extremely well thought out.

What's one thing you hope the co-op achieves/works towards during your term as a director?

  • I hope for a smooth transition into the KCK market and the Lawrence store continues to grow and thrive.

Why should owners consider becoming a director?

  • It’s important to be involved in the community in general. Anytime you have an opportunity to have a seat at the table you should pursue that.

What is your favorite food or product the co-op carries?

  • Pastrami Sandwich!