Board Connections + Meet LeAnne!

I was so excited to see our friends and owners at the Merc during Owner Appreciation Days tabling last month. It is during this event when board members like myself have the chance to talk to current and future owners.  I learned things like the products that are most enjoyable and the ones that people would like to see carried within the store. 

Because the Kansas City, Kansas location opened in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, there was no grand opening. However, what I notice as the weeks and months pass by is that more and more people are visiting and shopping at the store.  This is so exciting to me especially since in Wyandotte County there is a lack of grocery stores where fresh, quality foods are readily available.

It is my endeavor to continue to meet and greet each of you in a way that serves and meet the needs of the residents of Kansas City, Kansas and Lawrence.  I would like to extend an invitation for you to take part in this ownership whose mission is to provide healthy, locally produced, organic products and invest in the well-being and sustainability of our community where “everyone can shop and anyone can own”.  Purchase a share online at or by purchasing directly at the store.

I look forward to meeting and seeing you all again soon.

LeAnne Richardson